Own-Domain Email with Fastmail – Pros and Cons

Since going own-domain a few years ago, I chose Fastmail for email and Gandi.net for DNS, both of them for their FOSS-friendly credentials and no-nonsense decent standard-based offerings with APIs and docs etc., suitable from casual home use up to business use.

My brief assessment of Fastmail for my use case. Positives:

Fastmail negatives:

That all said, for now I'm sticking with Fastmail for my mail hosting.

Which mail client, then? Proprietary software, and the kind of “soft lock-in” associated with it, irks me so much that I stopped using Fastmail's lovely-to-use webmail after a few years. Currently I use these freedom-software mail clients: K-9 Mail on (degoogled) mobile, and Mailspring desktop-webmail client (pretty decent, better than Roundcube/Rainloop/Snappymail), and I am also coming back after a break of several years to Thunderbird on desktop, now that it is enjoying a bit of an overhaul and a revival.


[1] Sean Dague documented a very techy, fragile, hard-work, work-around. [2] I am confident Fasmail has decent backups on its own side. By “data take-out” and “independent backup” here I am referring to the ability to make myself a copy of my data, stored independently of that service provider, so that if I suddenly become unable to use the provider, due to a problem either on their side or on my side, I would have a complete backup ready to take elsewhere. Ideally this would be synchronised in “real time” so it's always up to date. One could perhaps build such a system externally, using IMAP sync software such as “vdirsyncer”, although I suspect it would work more efficiently if there were some support for it on their side.

Updated 2024-10-09: added footnote [2] explaining what I mean by “backup” there. The previous wording “backup/takeout is poor” could have been misinterpreted as doubting their own backup procedures.

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