My Freedom Phone Cover Design

I designed a back cover to show people mine is no ordinary phone, it's a Freedom Phone.

Share and re-use the design if you like. Replace my face and website with your own.

Fits a OnePlus-6 phone, when printed at 76 x 152 mm. (This phone model can run a wide range of freedom software.)

Paired with the lock screen I designed last year...

Lock Screen Back Cover

Concept Development

Began as a paper sketch, 2024-09-15.

1 2 3 4 5 to share

Finished in time for Software Freedom Day 2024-09-21.

Licence and Credits

The final design to share:

Created using Inkscape (freedom software)

Attributions for art work used:

#fossGadgets #degoogled #lineageOS #eOS

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