UnifiedPush — Wider Developments

An article about Building the Self-Agency Mobile Ecosystem: Push Messaging

Push messaging is the system that enables incoming messages to wake up and reach our apps, instantly and efficiently. But Who Cares Who Delivers Our Notifications? Our answer is: we care, and we do not like being locked in to depending on one mega-corp's system.

Therefore, in our libre mobile computing devices, we require a push-messaging infrastructure built from open standard technology that gives us freedom to choose our service providers and authority over them.

Read more in Going Google-Free with UnifiedPush in /e/OS and my other articles about UnifiedPush .

How We Get There

How can we build this? What is needed to get widespread UnifiedPush support in /e/ and other mobile OS?

The big picture involves several areas of work.

(Links in this and the following sections lead to relevant issues or discussions, where I could find any.)

OS Integration of the UP Distributor

Including how the UP distributor is configured, auto-detected, optimised, Android permissions, etc.

Server Software

Making sure a suitable server-side component is available, supported, optimised for this use case

Server Hosting: Technical

Making sure a server component is easily deployable by others, including making generic deployment methods (Debian, Docker, Nix, K8s, ...) and integrating it in some hosting systems, ranging from hobbyist to serious commercial systems.

Server Hosting: Social/Business Aspects

Work out and write up (shareable) policies about who hosts, terms and conditions, privacy, rate limiting and other special measures, etc.?


Working with other apps to make sure they connect and work with UP out-of-the-box.

Category 1: default apps in /e/OS etc., like...

Category 2: other popular apps like...

See also the UnifiedPush wish list.

Sharing with other mobile OS projects

Sharing this work among other mobile OS projects.

And even desktop OS:

Standardising UP client-server protocol?

Should we consider standardising the UP client-server protocol? At present, by design, one must choose a UP distributor and UP server together as a pair. If we standardised the protocol between them, so any distributor would work with any server, this would certainly have some benefits, but also down-sides, and is not necessarily the right thing to do. UP was designed this way on purpose and achieves its goals without needing to standardise there. No ordinary person needs to be able to change their UP implementation. Only techies and service providers might like to do that.

Therefore this is an exploration rather than a development. I discuss this further in a separate article.

#unifiedPush #degoogled #awesomeFOSS #eOS #Murena #ntfy #mobiFree

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